More than 45 years of experience

Preparatory components and studies of the Freetown Development Plan: Support to the Freetown City Council and to the urban planning authorities

Project details
Sierra Leone
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
2,272,667 €
Value of services: 
1,590,867 €
Start of project: 
January, 2011
End of project: 
January, 2014
Project description: 

In the context of the decentralisation process, to provide the Freetown City Council (FCC) and the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and Environment (MoLCPE) with technical assistance in line with subjects and recommendations from the project "Freetown Development Plan: Pre-identification Study" and to create a solid technical and institutional background making the FCC ready to prepare, implement and manage a Freetown Development Plan and an Urban Development Master Plan. In this regard, four (4) separate project components have been identified:

Component 1: to make available to the FCC a thorough and comprehensive analysis of its territory providing technical assistance on key issues like GIS setting up for Knowledge Mapping Analysis (KMA) of the urban area, and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the urban and non-urban area within the Freetown peninsula.

Component 2: to build the institution capacity at central level (MoLCPE) as far as the sustainable urban planning issues are concerned, envisaging the setting up of the future urban planning departments within urban councils and the removal of legal and institutional obstacles to the urban development activities in line and in compliance with the activities already addressed in this regard by other donor agencies.

Component 3: to build the capacity of the FCC municipal officers on sectoral issues concerned by urban development (Urban planning ability, zoning, mapping/GIS, spatial analysis, decision support, urban development planning..etc), applying different training methodologies such us on the job training, learning by doing, standing lectures or presentation in seminars, field visits, study tours, twinning with African best practice cities.

Component 4: to provide technical supervision of the works contracts executed under the following projects:

Mitigation project in areas and populations exposed to hydro-geological, climate change impacts (sea level), and health risks, natural and non-natural disasters, and rehabilitation of the Freetown urban road network.

Service description: 
  • make a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the urban and non-urban area within the administrative borders on the basis of a Geographic and Land Information System (GIS and LIS) as a basis for the Development Plan and an Urban Master Plan;

  • make a Knowledge Mapping Analysis in two parts: (1) about the actual Freetown urban situation and development conditions and (2) about the actual picture of the Freetown natural environment;

  • arrange of the basic legal and institutional framework through revision or replacement of the current urban planning legislation; and

  • contribute to the setting up of the urban planning department within the Freetown City Council through training activities aiming at building up the capacity of municipal officers from several FCC departments (Financing, Engineering, Planning and Development) and people (engineers, architects, economists)
