More than 45 years of experience

Data collection for the update of the road and traffic database

Project details
Ivory Coast
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Transport & Mobility
Project volume: 
1,914,250 €
Value of services: 
1,818,538 €
Start of project: 
September, 2014
End of project: 
September, 2015
Service description: 

Activity no.1: VIZIROAD mapping campaign and shape measurements using a methodology recognized by the World Bank:

  • Taking inventory over a distance of 15,500 km of the network using the VIZIROAD console coupled with a CAMERA and a GPS (Global Position System). The campaign survey will begin with the main paved network, subsequently extending over the main unpaved network;

  • Executing the uni measurement (assessed in IRI) over a distance of 15,500 km. The campaign survey will begin with the main paved network, subsequently extending over the main unpaved network;

  • Executing the velocity measurement of the route using an internationally recognized methodology on the paved roads over a distance of 6,500 km in length; and

  • Mapping of the road route through urban areas without mapping deteriorations or accessories (the list of urban sections will be provided).

Activity no.2: Deflection campaign, survey and geotechnical study on control sections:

  • Carrying out the installation of 600 control sections on the paved roads, selected at 1 km for every 10 km. The Contractor will implement concrete terminals with an above ground height of 25 cm, including a ground anchor of at least 50 cm, and numbering each terminal’s waypoints via positioning the opposite ends of the control section;

  • Carrying out Benkelman deflection measurements under the axle of 13 tonnes on the 600 control sections;

  • Conducting geotechnical investigation on the 600 control sections;

  • Surveys by sampling wells including subsoil samples;

  • Thickness of the various layers;

  • Identification of materials of the various layers (e.g., GCNT O/D, lateritic gravel, etc....);

  • Specification of materials (humid, dry and plastic, etc.…);

  • Capping monitoring wells via concrete dosed at 350 kg/m3;

  • Conducting analyses of samples;

  • Sieve analysis via sieving;

  • Atterberg limits and plasticity index;

  • Proctor modified test; and

  • California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test.

Activity no.3: Traffic count campaign:

  • Conducting a manual traffic count of 254 stations distributed over 15,500 km of which 119 stations relating to paved roads and 135 stations relating to dirt roads.

Activity no.4: Installation of localisation points or PLOs and development of a route guide:

  • Over the distance of 6,500 km of the paved roads, demarcate the PLOs on the ground with a concrete terminal and in paint. Obtain their GPS coordinates and take photos;

  • On the main land network (9,000 km), obtain GPS coordinates on the ground and take photos of the origins of the referential section samples; and

  • Establish the route guide over a distance of 15,500 km.


General Objective

The overall objective of the project, which includes this project, is to contribute to the development of a management system for road maintenance, by establishing an operational road and traffic database that meets all the requirements regarding the definition of maintenance strategies and the development of maintenance programmes.

Specific objectives

The specific objective of this contract was to provide reliable and comprehensive first generation data to the road and traffic database VISAGE so that the latter is operational for the realization of planning studies and road maintenance programming.


Result I: AGEROUTE’s main network provides (15,500 km):

  • data relating to surface conditions and sustainability of the road (deteriorations, surface state rating, uni measure, velocity)

  • accurate information on linear and route alignments, and

  • data on the exact location of road references (agglomerations, intersections, terminals, structures, etc.)

This will be done by providing VIZIROAD measurement files and shape measurements in accordance with the traffic information system rule. This will enable the automatic transfer of data to the VISAGE traffic database. The measurement files must include:

  • VIZIROAD keyboard data files and velocity measurements;

  • flatness measurement files;

  • photo recording files;

  • GPS data recording files;

Result II: AGEROUTE possesses data about the geometry, the infrastructures, the environment, the terrain, etc., as well as geotechnical data and bearing capacity of control sections from the main paved network (6,500 km)

This will be done by restoring the control sections data in the form of an Excel spread sheet, namely:

  • Gross deflections and features (D98);

  • Laboratory study results regarding the support floor or platform (LCP and USCS class; W% nat, %F<80μ,IP, W % OPM, σdmax, CBR 4 j)

  • Type and thickness of materials that constitute the various layers of the pavement;

Result III: AGEROUTE has updated data about main network traffic (15,500 km).

This will be done by restoring traffic data, that is, the total number of vehicles per category and in terms of traffic flow direction (average and daily) will be in the form of an Excel spread sheet. AGEROUTE will provide a list of the different vehicle categories, which will be established on the basis of the tally sheet (see section 4.2).

Result IV: AGEROUTE has the necessary point locations or PLOs that are materialized on the ground via terminals. These PLOs position the origin of each of the paved network’s referential section samples, predefined in the BDR.

AGEROUTE also has the necessary GPS points and photos capturing the origins of referential section samples for non-paved roads. These have also been predefined in the BDR.

L’AGEROUTE has a “route guide” that describes:

  • The identification and location of PLOs on the paved route,

  • The identification and location of the referential section sample origins on the non-paved route.
